**This information is provided solely for the convenience of registered patients currently being seen at Abba’s Place. Use of this information by other individuals is not recommended. Abba’s Place assumes no responsibility for adversities of any kind that may occur from such use.**






                There is an expression used by professional who treat children with autism. No other treatment works without a 100% Gluten Free Diet! Therefore we insist that all our parents be 100% on board with a 100% Gluten–Free Diet (GF) for their child with autism at last initially.


              Patients should plan on these diets being a long-term treatment. But it is well worth it! Sometimes improvement comes in several weeks & sometimes in several months.


                Many children – as young as 5 years old – once they feel the difference – will ask when offered food “Does this have gluten in it? Gluten makes me sick.”


                In chapter 3, The Enemy Within of his book, Autism Prevention, Care and Management, Dr. Anderson describes the role of diet and the “Gut-Brain Connection” (pages 35-74) in autism.


                At times you may have to use more than one special diet for a while. Do not be discouraged! Other patients have done it. You can too!


                Check Parent Corner for support groups and internet sites.





Gluten can be hidden in a many products. The following grains contain gluten and must be avoided:


     Wheat                              Barley           

      Oats                                Spelt  

      Semolina                         Triticale

      Rye                                  Kamut              


These grains are present in most commercial cereals, breads, flours, baked goods, instant mixes and prepared foods. Reading the label carefully is mandatory. Natural or artificial flavoring along with spices, gravies and dressings can also contain gluten. If in doubt, you will have to check the manufacturer of the product.


Be careful: commercial chicken nuggets are usually rolled in wheat flour. You can make your own, however using rice flour or bean flour. These will be GF. Check the internet and your local health food store for recipes and gluten-free substitutes.


Also, some vitamins and other supplements can have casein or gluten.


Be aware of the “Contamination Factor”. Wheat flour makes a very good anti-caking or anti-stick compound for some manufactured or packaged products and it is not listed on the label because it is not a component of the actual product. Rather, it is used to “dust” the manufacturing or packaging equipment to prevent tackiness. Also, a factory packaging a gluten-free product may use the same packaging verbage as was used for food containing gluten without a thorough cleaning in between processing.


Corn and soy crops have been genetically modified so many times, we recommend avoiding them. Potatoes feed intestinal yeast and other “bad bugs” and therefore should be avoided by some individuals.


Fortunately, there are safe alternative grains and flours for GF diets. Acceptable grain substitutes are:


                              Sweet rice                Tapioca

                              Brown rice                Lentil

                              White rice                 Bean Flours



Lisa Lewis, Ph.D. has extremely valuable and creative ideas for gluten-free cooking in her 1998 book Special Diets For Special Kids. This publication is remarkably helpful in understanding and implementing a CF/GF diet.





Casein is present in dairy products. Eliminating casein sounds simple---just remove all dairy from the diet including:

        Milk in all forms (skim, powdered, goat’s)

        Butter                        Lactose

        Cheese                     Whey

        Yogurt                       Caseinates


Be careful! Most prepared foods contain dairy products such as powdered milk, cheese or whey. Soup mixes usually do as well. You must read labels carefully to be sure dairy products are not present in these frozen or canned foods. You must also check bakery goods and snacks for the presence of the above casein sources.


There are acceptable casein free substitutes available. Milk alternatives made with rice, coconuts or almonds are commercially available in specialty sections of grocery stores or in health food stores. Some sensitive individuals also react to soy, so be careful on this issue. There are also dairy free yogurts and “mock” cheese products. Using your imagination along with these specialty products will allow you to create your own version of recipes which traditionally contain dairy products. A 1998 publication by Lisa Lewis, Ph.D. entitled Special Diets For Special Kids gives hundreds of valuable creative ideas for CF and GF diets.


**If a CF diet is recommended, Dr. Anderson will prescribe a calcium supplement to ensure strong bone and tooth development.**





 Sugar, Carbohydrates foods feed bad bacteria and yeast which produce neuro-toxins.

Limit diet to the following:



                                               All Vegetables- including avocados and potatoes

                                               Fruits: Pears, Berries, Lemons and Limes





 Some children – autism or not – react to nightshades in the diet. Here is a list of nightshade foods and the reason to avoid them:


                        Ashwagandha                                 Garam Masala Spice

                        Goji Berries                                     Goju Beans

                        Hot Sauce                                       Ketchup

                        Tomatillos                                        Kutjera

                        Tomatoes                                        Most spice blends

                        Cape Gooseberries                        Narajilla

                        Capsicums                                      Paprika Spice

                        Cayenne pepper                             Pepinos

                        Chili Pepper flakes                         Chili Powder

                         Pimentos                                       Chinese Five-Spice Powder

                        Curry Powder                                 Potatoes (not sweet potato)

                        Curry Spice Powder                      Red Pepper

                        Eggplants/Aubergines                   Red Pepper Flakes

                        Steak Seasoning                            Tomatillos

            Peppers (Including bell pepper, sweet peppers, chili [pepper, jalapenos)


Nightshade spices or starch can be listed under any of these terms


                        Flavors”                               “Potato Starch”

                        “Natural Flavors’                    Any “Vegetable Starch”

                        “Natural Flavorings”              Any “Vegetable Protein”



Substitution Tips:


There are many strong flavorings that are not nightshades:

                 Garlic                                                 Chives

                 Turmeric                                            Onion



A non-nightshade Mexican flavor combination: Garlic, Cumin and Basil

You can make your own chili powder or curry by mixing the spices yourself and leaving out the nightshade spices.

Substitutes for potatoes:


                Sweet Potatoes – baked whole or as fries                        Jerusalem Artichokes

                Fried Plantains – substitute for French Fries                    Summer Squash

                Turnips                                                                              Zucchini

                     Mashed Cauliflower



Food intolerance is not the same as food allergy.


Food Allergy involves the IgE branch of the immune system. The allergic reaction occurs within minutes after eating the reactive food (shellfish and nuts are the most common). Symptoms include hives, facial swelling and difficulty breathing.


Food intolerance involves a different branch of the immune system – the IgA, Ig IgG which create antibodies. This may take hours or even days to manifest as: acid reflux, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, tingling, anxiety and joint pain. The reactive foods (most common are gluten and casein) trigger an inflammatory response in the intestinal tract that causes malabsorption of the nutrients and increased intestinal permeability (Leaky Gut). This results in toxins leaking throughout the intestinal wall and compromising the immune system – decreasing the ability to fight bacterial and viral infections.


Completely eliminating all gluten (and sometimes also casein) can decrease symptoms within 2-3 weeks, but may take months. Gluten intolerance may be reversible after years of gluten-free diet. - But might not be reversible at all!





Children with autism frequently have an imbalance of “good bugs” and “bad bugs” in their intestines. A frequently occurring “bad bug” is yeast (fungus).


Some symptoms that may indicate intestinal yeast overgrowth are: varying degrees of constipation, white flecks, mucus or blood in stools, moodiness, hyper activity, aggressive behavior, strong cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrates. Dr. Anderson uses tests to diagnose what “bad bugs” are present. Doctor’s Data Comprehensive Stool Analysis with Parasitology or Great Plains Lab Organic Acid Test (OAT). See “Laboratory” tab.

Children with Autism frequently have an imbalance of “good bugs” and “bad bugs” in their intestines.

A frequently occurring “bad bug” is yeast (fungus). Dr. Anderson uses both prescription and naturally occurring remedies. Here are some anti-fungal remedies that he may use. For prescription information, go to the “Prescription” tab.


1.     Olive leaf extracts (OLE) are antimicrobial agents. Independent lab tests have demonstrated the ability of OLE to eradicate pathogens.

2.     Caprylic Acid is a fatty acid derived from coconut oil. It has potent antifungal properties.

3.     Pau d’arco I another good anti-fungal that is either taken in tea form or in capsules. It is bark of the pau d’arco trees  which contain fungicides. 

4.     Undecalynic Acid is derived from the oil of caster beans.

5.     Malic Acid is derived from apple cider vinegar and has strong antifungal properties. This can be diluted with water or mixed with fresh-squeezed juice.

6.    Garlic is one of the most well-publicized antifungals. The enzyme in garlic, allicin is well documented as having anti-microbial properties. It appears viruses and bacteria are also neutralized by garlic. Squeeze a clove into your carrot juice.

7.    Carrot juice contains many important properties that inhibit fungal proliferation. Juicing give your blood stream immediately available nutrition and gives your digestive juices a break from whole foods.

8.    Tea tree oil works quickly and effectively on local skin fungus problems.


More to come on the clostridium bacteria



www.Mercola.com           October 26, 2015


This article focuses on foods, herbs and supplements that can be helpful in promoting strong immune function.


This partial list includes:


                  Vitamin C                                      Coconut Oil

                  Vitamin D                                      Garlic

                  Fermented Foods                         Oregano Oil

                  Organic Vegetables                      Echinacea


                  Bone Broth (check the internet for easy delicious recipes)