**This information is provided solely for the convenience of registered patients currently being seen at Abba’s Place. Use of this information by other individuals is not recommended. Abba’s Place assumes no responsibility for adversities of any kind that may occur from such use.**
Children with autism frequently have an imbalance of “good bugs” and “bad bugs” in their intestines. A frequently occurring “bad bug” is yeast (fungus).
Some symptoms that may indicate intestinal yeast overgrowth are: varying degrees of constipation, white flecks, mucus or blood in stools, moodiness, hyper activity, aggressive behavior, strong cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrates. Dr. Anderson uses tests to diagnose what “bad bugs” are present. Doctor’s Data Comprehensive Stool Analysis with Parasitology or Great Plains Lab Organic Acid Test (OAT). See “Laboratory” tab.
Children with Autism frequently have an imbalance of “good bugs” and “bad bugs” in their intestines.
A frequently occurring “bad bug” is yeast (fungus). Dr. Anderson uses both prescription and naturally occurring remedies. Here are some anti-fungal remedies that he may use. For prescription information, go to the “Prescription” tab.
1. Olive leaf extracts (OLE) are antimicrobial agents. Independent lab tests have demonstrated the ability of OLE to
eradicate pathogens.
2. Caprylic Acid is a fatty acid derived from coconut oil. It has potent antifungal properties.
3. Pau d’arco I another good anti-fungal that is either taken in tea form or in capsules. It is bark of the pau d’arco trees which contain fungicides.
4. Undecalynic Acid is derived from the oil of caster beans.
5. Malic Acid is derived from apple cider vinegar and has strong antifungal properties. This can be diluted with water or mixed with fresh-squeezed juice.
6. Garlic is one of the most well-publicized antifungals. The enzyme in garlic, allicin is well documented as having anti- microbial properties. It appears viruses and bacteria are also neutralized by garlic. Squeeze a clove into your carrot juice.
7. Carrot juice contains many important properties that inhibit fungal proliferation. Juicing give your blood
stream immediately available nutrition and gives your digestive juices a break from whole foods.
8. Tea tree oil works quickly and effectively on local skin fungus problems.
More to come on the clostridium bacteria