Welcome! Thank you for visiting the Autism at Abba's Place Website.
Our new book: Autism Prevention Care and Management is now available. You can purchase it HERE or go directly to iTunes.
**This information is provided solely for the convenience of registered patients currently being seen at Abba’s Place. Use of this information by other individuals is not recommended. Abba’s Place assumes no responsibility for adversities of any kind that may occur from such use.**
About Us
Abba’s Place is a specialty consultation practice located in Cedar in northwestern Michigan. The primary purpose of Abba’s Place is to provide excellent, continuing, and compassionate care to children on the Autism Spectrum including Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD and Pervasive Disorders not otherwise specified.
Dr. Anderson is a graduate of Georgetown University School of Medicine. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons (Harlem Hospital Center), and is board certified in both Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. He is a former Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School (Henry Ford Hospital campus). He is currently an external reader on the Graduate Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh.
The first patient with autism entered his practice at a complementary clinic in 2003. In 2009 he established Abba’s Place to accommodate the increasing numbers of ASD children.
In 2012 he published Autism, Prevention, Care and Management. This innovative book contains proposals that the author believes will put an end to the autism epidemic. Called “the book that will change the way people think about autism”, it has received many 5-Star ratings. It is available from the author through his website (www.abbasplace.com) and from Amazon Books on the internet.
In February 2014, an updated I-Book form of the title was published for viewing on I-Pads and I-Phones. It is available from the Apple Bookstore
Treatment is also uniquely enhanced by allowing the children and their caregivers to mingle with gentle, especially bred smaller farm animals in order to introduce treatments intended to increase their oxytocin levels (oxytocin and secretin) share this metabolic pathway. Such limited contact is in itself insufficient to achieve this result, but opens the door to more extensive and very beneficial programs including equestrian riding therapy. Other physical and occupational therapies are also prescribed or reviewed
Initial visits last about two hours and follow up appointments are usually of similar duration. Most patients are seen several times a year, and the rest of the management is accomplished through telephone consultations.
We use a combination of Biomedical and traditional methods of management which we have termed “The Five Pillars of Treatment”.
1. Heal The Gut -
Damaging intestinal inflammation produces brain inflammation and dysregulation of neurotransmitters through the “Gut-Brain Connection”. (See Dr. Anderson’s book, Autism, Prevention, Care and Management, Chapter 3)
Therefore we diagnose through special tests and treat intestinal inflammation. This may be caused by and overgrowth of harmful intestinal microbes such as yeast, bacteria, viruses and parasites or food intolerances such as gluten, casein, soy, and others.
2. Diagnose and Treat Detoxification Impairments -
Either acquired or genetic (See Chapter 3)
3. Address Damage to Body Organs -
Especially the liver and brain cause by free radicals, bio toxins, stress and environmental factors. (See Appendix C)
4. Remove Environmental Toxins -
Including heavy metals such as Lead, Mercury and Arsenic. (See Chapter 4)
5. Prescribe Therapies –
Physical, Occupational Speech and Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) are effective and appropriate.
Initial visits last about two hours and follow up appointments are usually one hour. Most patients are seen several times a year, and the rest of the management is accomplished through telephone consultations.
Biomedical management of our patients is complicated. Therefore, the clinic requires that the child be attended by a separate care giver during appointments and phone consultations.
Abba’s Place provides a Cell Phone- and Wi-Fi- Free environment.
We do not provide interpretation of specialty tests that we do not routinely use that are ordered by the patients themselves or other practitioners.
Dr. Anderson is very aware of the financial constraints of families with special needs children. Therefore, he is very careful to plan with patients what tests are ordered, when and how often. You may find potential avenues for financial aid from the Funding Sources tab helpful to meet the extra expenses.
Dr. Anderson recently wrote a book on the causes and treatment of autism called, "Autism Prevention Care and Management". More information is available here.

Learn more about Dr. Anderson’s autism treatment protocol and how to purchase his book at www.AutismAtAbbasPlace.com. To schedule a consultation, call 231-228-4567, or email marvdanderson@gmail.com.
Please contact our clinic to schedule an appointment. We are anxious to meet you and begin working on whatever is standing between your child or you and good health.
- Marvin D. Anderson, M.D.